Content, Born & Bred.

The art of content finds its roots in imagination. The best concoction of words and visuals infused with creativity is the recipe for attention-grabbing content. It’s exciting, thrilling, entertaining and not to mention interesting!

Saleable content is quite passé! Shareable is the new way to go. Information architecture is what makes content shareable and that is what we focus on.

As creative professionals, we tell your story, become your digital companion and innovate to make your vision come alive.


Digital for Everybody.

Whether you’re an organization of thousands or a one man army, our purpose is to support your dream by getting your message right. Helping you integrate web, social and mobile using the right channels to reach your target audience. 

Establishing a strong digital footprint does not have to be an extravagant affair. We specialize in boutique solutions for your mission and come up with the right digital mix to reduce the cost per action.           

Our Clients


Brand Stories

“Humans think in stories, and we try to make sense of the world by telling stories” – Yuval Noah Harari

Everything we see, think, do or hear is a story. The possibilities of finding phenomenal stories in your journey are innumerable. We start by handpicking the right ingredients to create a story that is worth sharing. Like picking grapes that make the finest wine!

By understanding your vision and objective, we dream your dream and help build your brand concept, purpose and voice. We develop messages for your audience and leverage digital networks to drive traffic. 


Brand Stories

“Humans think in stories, and we try to make sense of the world by telling stories” – Yuval Noah Harari

Everything we see, think, do or hear is a story. The possibilities of finding phenomenal stories in your journey are innumerable. We start by handpicking the right ingredients to create a story that is worth sharing. Like picking grapes that make the finest wine!

By understanding your vision and objective, we dream your dream and help build your brand concept, purpose and voice. We develop messages for your audience and leverage digital networks to drive traffic. 


Brand Stories

“Humans think in stories, and we try to make sense of the world by telling stories” – Yuval Noah Harari

Everything we see, think, do or hear is a story. The possibilities of finding phenomenal stories in your journey are innumerable. We start by handpicking the right ingredients to create a story that is worth sharing. Like picking grapes that make the finest wine!

By understanding your vision and objective, we dream your dream and help build your brand concept, purpose and voice. We develop messages for your audience and leverage digital networks to drive traffic. 


Brand Stories

“Humans think in stories, and we try to make sense of the world by telling stories” – Yuval Noah Harari

Everything we see, think, do or hear is a story. The possibilities of finding phenomenal stories in your journey are innumerable. We start by handpicking the right ingredients to create a story that is worth sharing. Like picking grapes that make the finest wine!

By understanding your vision and objective, we dream your dream and help build your brand concept, purpose and voice. We develop messages for your audience and leverage digital networks to drive traffic. 

Integrated Marketing

social media | email | campaigns | ads | engagement

The world of content and digital media is evolving everyday. We are constantly refreshing our knowledge pool to stay up to speed with trends and techniques. Finding the right creative solution for your brand is not a formula driven result but a continuous process of growing and innovating.

We work to support hustlers and dreamers go all the way right from the first steps of brand communication to finding new ways of conveying their message to audiences through a continuous journey of growth and innovation.

social media | email | campaigns | ads | engagement

Integrated Marketing

The world of content and digital media is evolving everyday. We are constantly refreshing our knowledge pool to stay up to speed with trends and techniques. Finding the right creative solution for your brand is not a formula driven result but a continuous process of growing and innovating.

We work to support hustlers and dreamers go all the way right from the first steps of brand communication to finding new ways of conveying their message to audiences through a continuous journey of growth and innovation.

the typograph studio

Ideation Studio
for Visionaries

The Typograph creative studio is a space for trailblazers in the creative fields to ideate, collaborate and innovate their digital strategy. 

This space has been established to enable independent artists, musicians, actors and other performing artists, writers, sculptors, dancers and choreographers, designers and other virtuosos in taking the right steps in their digital journey.

It is a think tank in which we assist creators in building their audience and reach wider audiences through digital media.

The Art of Standing Out

Bringing brand visions to life is the foremost commitment of a digital creator. When creative expression is blended with brand direction, you get a story that millions would want to share. To picture in your mind's eye the dreams of others is what makes this the most satisfying and humbling métier.
anupama kumar
founder, the typograph

Say Hello 👋

the typograph

Get your digital and content questions answered for free by clicking on any of the following 

content management

Want to know how we can help you with content creation, marketing and management? Write to us and we will be happy to help!

digital marketing

Building your digital marketing and campaign strategies is the most fun way of interacting with an audience. Find out how!

Brand Development

Just like raising a child, your vision must be nurtured and carefully developed. Get in touch with us to understand the process.